Magna 303 Gold Ferrite Balanced Super-Strength Non-Cracking Alloy for All Steels takes the guesswork out of maintenance welding.
• Magna 303 Gold welds any dissimilar steel combinations.
• Magna 303 Gold is ideal for all-position repairs of worn parts and as an underlay for hard facing.
• Magna 303 Gold provides special “Lonised Arc Transfer” that drastically reduces spatter and electrode overheating, especially on small AC machines.
• Magna 303 Gold gives a deposit efficiency that is 20-25% higher than ordinary electrodes.
• Magna 303 Gold is coated with a special flux formulation that eliminates slag interference in horizontal fillets.
Magna 303 Gold is the superior alloy for all steels that:
• Provides excellent corrosion resistance.
• No undercutting, overlapping or piling up.
• Provides a smooth, regular well-formed bead.
• Uniform in cross-section.
Magna 303 Gold (for AC & DC) provides welds of excellent quality on the following metals:
• Spring Steel • Manganese Steel • High-Carbon Steel • Vanadium Spring Steel • Stainless Steel • Tool and Die Steel • Sulphur-Bearing Steel • Cast Steel • Galvanized Steel • Shock-Resisting Steel
In maintaining heavy equipment, vehicles, and machinery it is continually necessary to weld a wide variety of different analyses of steel and frequently to weld steels of unknown analysis. A single piece of heavy equipment may have ten or more different steels making up its different components. Today’s high-speed, high-powered equipment is built from higher alloy, higher yield strength steels. In the past, mild steel electrodes and low hydrogen electrodes have been standard for maintenance welding in many industries. This has resulted in much costly downtime since mild steel electrodes are not adequate for welding today’s high yield strength steels or steels of unknown composition. Mild steel and low hydrogen electrodes have proven their excellence for production welding where most of the variables of welding such as joint design, base metal analysis, and accessibility can be controlled. In general, superior electrodes have not been required for these repetitive controllable production applications. In maintenance, however, the problems are completely different. The maintenance man has to weld many different types of steel, the metal is usually dirty, rusty, and oily and often he has only limited access to the area to be welded. Ordinary electrodes are not adequate for the more difficult maintenance conditions. The introduction of Magna 303 Gold, which is a Ferrite-Balanced, all-steel electrode for welding hard-to-weld and dissimilar steel is proving to be popular in maintenance welding in many industries today.
1. High Physical Properties:
* Approximately 225 Brinell hardness
• Tensile Strength as-welded maximum 128,000 psi (880 N/mm2)
• Tensile Strength work-hardened maximum 186,000 psi (1280 N/mm2)
• Yield Strength maximum 90,000 psi (630 N/mm2)
• Elongation maximum 32%
• Impact Energy maximum 50J: 20° C ( 68 °F)
2. Microstructure:
A duplex austenite/delta ferrite structure with Schaeffler ferrite value below 35%.
3. Universal Application Feature:
It has exceptional strength and cracks resistance. It is ideal for welding any dissimilar steel combination, except for aluminum and copper alloys. It is also recommended for the following metals: Spring Steel, Manganese Steel, High Carbon Steel, Vanadium Spring Steel, Stainless Steel, Tool and Die Steel, etc. A major benefit of using it is that it eliminates guesswork. In maintenance often steel of unknown analysis must be welded. If the welder “guesses” what the steel might be and uses the electrode, which might be adequate for that steel, a weld failure will probably occur if he guessed wrongly. If it is used, the guesswork is eliminated or at least minimized since this one electrode gives good results on the widest range of dissimilar steel combinations, except for aluminum and copper alloys. Another benefit of Magna 303 Gold is that it eliminates the stocking of many different types of electrodes because of its versatility. In the past, many maintenance departments found it necessary to stock many different kinds of electrodes to be prepared for any emergency.
4. Cost Factor:
Magna 303 Gold AC-DC costs much more than mild steel electrodes, but it does so much more. What difference does it make if a weld costs six cents or sixty cents? The important factor is whether the welding electrode will keep your machinery producing.
No special preparation is necessary when using it. However, a 90° v joint should be used when joining heavy sections. Also, maintain a short arc length and use stringer beads.
Recommended current: DC reverse polarity (electrode positive)
or AC.
Welding Positions for Magna 303 Gold:
It is excellent for welding in all positions.
Special Note:
1. It is recommended for repairing worn parts and can be used as a buffer layer in hard-facing applications.
2. Special “ Ionized Arc Transfer” drastically reduces spatter and electrode overheating, especially on small AC machines.
3. Special flux formulation eliminates slag interference in horizontal fillets.